A tale from our core book pack

The Very Busy Spider

  • Read the story to your child
  • Encourage your child to touch the Spider’s web and find the fly on the opposite page with their fingers
  • Together, have fun joining in with the noises the animals make
  • Count together how many animals are in the story
  • What does the spider make?
  • What is the web for?
  • Talk together about the meaning of the word ‘spinning.’
  • Together, draw a web
  • How does the story end?

Beyond The Very Busy Spider

  • Together, find out some facts about spiders.
  • Talk together about your favourite animals
  • Can you pretend to be some of the animals in the story?

Useful Websites for The Very Busy Spider story


Youtube – The Very Busy Spider story

Youtube – Incy Wincy Spider | Mr Tumble

BBC KSI Science – Characteristics of spiders